The Pros and Cons of Hiring An Agent To Sell Your House in Georgia

professional house buyer

Sell to direct house buyer or list your house with an agent…

You’ve decided it’s time to sell. Should you hire an agent to sell your house in Warner robins, Ga? The pros and cons of hiring an agent vs. selling your house yourself is a question of time vs. money. Here are some points of thought to help make a decision.

Commissions and Fees

Real estate agents in Warner Robins Georgia are paid a commission of 6% for selling a house. Agents generally charge 5% for more expensive houses. That means a house selling for $200,000 will have a commission fee of around $12,000. That can dip into your bottom line.

The good part is that your agent will do all the work of marketing, contacting you when it’s time to show the house and ensure the documents are needed to sell your house. If you are selling your house directly to a home buyer, you can save that money.

Most professional home buyers have experience in preparing the proper documents for selling a house and your dealing with one person.

Waiting Time Frame

Real Estate agents in Warner Robins have a wide network of people they market your house to. They should have access to the MLS for the local area and the surrounding areas as well. If they don’t, it may take quite some time to get your house sold. Now, in 2020, Warner Robins houses are selling pretty quickly. As long as the house looks good and is empty (people are still worried about covid-19), they are selling fast.

If you can’t move out of your house or have an agent that is not performing, it could take a while. The first 30 days are crucial. If it doesn’t sell by then, people lose interest.

Local professional house buyers typically close faster than traditional house buyers, and usually in pay full in cash. Traditional house purchases usually require qualifications from banks, mortgage underwriting time, property inspection and the buyer may not end up qualifying in the end. 

Inspections & Repairs

Sell my warner robins house fast

Professional house buyers in Warner Robins will usually purchase houses as-is. As a seller, this means you do not have to worry about repairs before closing or any other additional expenses you were not planning on. There are some companies that do not require inspections which makes it a truly as-is transaction.

Warner Robins Real Estate agents take care of scheduling inspections with you for the buyer. When you use a real estate agent, the bank the buyer I using almost always orders an inspection of the property. If they find something wrong with the property structure, they may require you to fix it out of pocket before the property closes.

Showing your Warner Robins house

If you decide to use a professional Warner Robins house buyer, you will not have to worry about going through a roller coaster of emotions. There are no frustrating, middle-of-dinner phone calls asking if you are available to show your house. You don’t have to worry about leaving your house spotless every day before heading to work, just in case there is a showing while you’re gone.

Most Warner Robins Real Estate Agents are pretty good about respecting family time, but if a buyer wants to see the house, are you going to say “no”? Many agents will push for “open houses”. This allows them to show the house to a lot of people at one time.


The choice of using a real estate agent or calling a professional house buyer depends on you. How much work is needed to fix the house and how soon do you want the house sold?

If you want to talk to a professional house buyer, let us know. It only takes ten minutes to know if we are a good fit for you.

Good Luck

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